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    Re: Hey Ed! P.S. Archived Message

    Posted by turtleman on October 20, 2019, 12:13 pm, in reply to "Re: Hey Ed! P.S."

    Blair is a criminal. Making emotional judgments on his character and harboring criminally murderous or hellish wishes towards him is unwise and unhelpful if we want criminal charges to be taken seriously and pursued.

    But then, in these times, justice is ALL about feelings, isn't it?

    I am a rascal here, because my role is to show up the ideologues here who make emotional rather than logical arguments. And people don't like it.

    And it seems a growing majority here deny the seriousness of the PC disease. People either acquiesce with it themselves, or shrug it off as some silly annoyance, a passing fad that only alarm unhinged right wing lunatics.

    But then, you wouldn't understand, seeing how you once said that 'race is a social construct.' Denying reality for the sake of PC etiquette is a slippery slope. Do you also believe gender is a social construct?

    Just because we recognize the wrongness of current affairs does not mean we have the right corrective. If lawless corporate capitalism is evil it does not necessarily follow that socialism is the answer. My argument is that capitalism and socialism are PERFECTLY one coin (not sort of, but PERFECTLY) - one side to the other's. Love of either makes it a solid one piece coin, heads or tails. Individualism is natural and necessary but hyper-legislated individualism is evil pathology. Collectivism is natural and necessary but hyper-legislated collectivism is evil pathology. Both extremes are mass murder and slavery. Both extremes destroy our humble connection to Natural Law, morality, conscience, intuition, creativity, and Life's Divine gifts.

    Because financial power has all the tools, tricks and means of mass manipulation, it knows it always comes up heads for them. This is why socialism is its favourite bogeyman. It knows that the more it "fights" it, the more powerful capital becomes. In this late stage of the Global Dominance project, it is now openly encouraged and embraced by youth and its social and academic and media guardians! This has helped the PC madness grow to such outstanding absurdities as we see today! And so mass control is now a cakewalk for the globalists.

    The old 'working-class' leftist philosophies are now dusty, ineffectual text-book sentimentalities. The game is far advanced and leftists are not catching up and delivering what's required. Instead, they are playing and buying right into the Globalist's traps!

    There are even people here who are duped by Sanders, AOC, XR, LGBT, Greta, . . .

    Justice can only operate in a climate of intelligent reason where language and objectivity are respected and defended. If the majority of leftists are emotionally attached to liberal values at the expense of language, reason, and objectivity, we are truly and wholly ####ed.

    That said a lot! - whether or not you agree with the analysis.

    Ed, Sinister Burt, and Brooks have a habit of painting me as a fundamentalist Christian right-winger. They sense a whiff of conservative and traditional values in someone and they become like demons under a drop of Holy Water. Sizzle sizzle, burn burn burn!

    Just like the possessed feminists who see a misogynist and rapist in anyone who criticizes their arguments in the slightest.

    This is not, by and large, a media analysis community. It is a leftist community. It does not engage in cultural criticism (which media criticism largely entails), but instead engages in politics along the lines of the cliched and unresolvable left vs. right paradigm.

    And there ends my cultural- and community-critical Sermon for this Sunday.
    Bless you!
    Rev. Turtle Caricature

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