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    Re: Hey Ed! P.S. Archived Message

    Posted by turtleman on October 20, 2019, 7:44 pm, in reply to "Re: Hey Ed! P.S."

    "your profoundly irrational . . ."

    Nope. Mine is a rational psychological analysis of modern propaganda techniques and the tendency of left/liberal types to be baited by them thereby becoming useful idiots.

    "ahistorical . . ."

    Nope. My analyses are deeply rooted in an understanding of historic patterns of power deceptions and societal degeneration.

    "establishment-friendly . . ."

    Nope. Yet more projection. Your stereotypically leftist contempt for traditional values makes you establishment-friendly but your ideological zealotry blinds you to how you're being set up.

    "counterrevolutionary drivel . . ."

    Nope. Truth and justice is the real, Godly revolution. Your team is too infected by emotion, theory and ideology. You are the establishment's friends and helpers.

    "all dressed up in a pompously feigned commitment to Justice, Truth, God, etc..."

    Gender is not a social construct, socialism is not the answer, Hate Crime is a diabolical Orwellian concept, and the left's embrace and/or acquiescence to these concepts and principles are the main reason the pro-Justice anti-war momentum DIED.

    This is the truth. My pointing it out is not pomp and is not feigned but think as you will. I get no insightful challenges or analyses from you and Brooks et al . . . only defensiveness and cheap, substance-free accusations.

    It's a sad joke.

    BUT some really good joking, delivered with marvelous skill and talent, are found in those Kids In The Hall sketches. Open a beer, hit play and have a little fun on this fine Sunday.

    Bless you,

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