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    "The cat cryptoed in crapped and cyptoed out again!" Archived Message

    Posted by Gerard on November 12, 2019, 10:33 pm

    Lack of sovereignty....these are social science me old m**ker they really are.....simply unsupported currency whatever the fantasists say....even the Euro is backed by a federal's o.k being more or less impossible to duplicate but it's also (and most importantly), a social order to save monetarism for the masses L'Empereur must pay extortionate sums to "Mister Black" (does that mean "he's back" folks?!), who is simply using up the earth's resources on an illusion..the encrypted nature of the currency does not make the contract a binding one it must be supported by law....a "second layer of sovereignty" simply conceals the truth..the currency itself must hold value but it cannot because it is not sovereign (quite literally), "gold standard"... fiat currency is social contract between individuals and the state..but the imperial dreams of the monetarist must be fulfilled "light in extension", manifest destiny..

    No the true resource base cries out in pain...what ugly warts those Bitcoin mines are...what hubris in the "Do what Thou Wilt" attitude....persisting in the face of observation to believe we can put the genii back in the box and it will disappear..the universe accelerates away despite the standard model....."it stares back into you" as someone once observed...

    (cryptid enough for you Rhis -I'm sorry I have a cold!-?), ..

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