"The cat cryptoed in crapped and cryptoed out AGAIN!" Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on November 13, 2019, 3:52 pm, in reply to "Re: "The cat cryptoed in crapped and cyptoed out again!""
I could say; "it's above my pay grade" but that would be obfuscatory.. what I'm saying is that fiat currency is social contract, as a result it must arise from a governmental system that has credibility...usually granted by the longevity and/or previous trustworthiness of the state by which it is issued....commodities of-course can be exchanged "as is" but crypto-currencies are neither... they offer an "apparent" solution, however, the truth is that simply mirror the dwindling non-renewable (and for those still inextricably "entangled" with the monetarist system -in other words not harmonised by the application of "Emergence Theory"-, the burgeoning -otherwise-, renewable/sustainable resources as-well), resources as they disappear......Max Keiser and others are attempting to buy time..this is impossible....our non-renewable base is limited.. in other words "it's no good making promises you can't keep" (or perhaps they don't intend to), ..