Re: Growing awareness of a situation most foul Archived Message
Posted by AlanG on November 15, 2019, 5:38 pm, in reply to "Growing awareness of a situation most foul"
Thank you margo. Meanwhile, back here in cloud cuckoo land our MP claims to be concerned about JA but has confidence in British justice. We heard Galloway also proclaiming his faith in British justice at a London public meeting for JA last Spring. From a Guardian report 11 April 2019: Defending Assange, Liam Walker claimed that chief magistrate Emma Arbuthnot, who previously dealt with the case, was biased against him. Her husband, Lord Arbuthnot, had been directly affected by the activities of WikiLeaks, Walker alleged. But Judge Snow called it “unacceptable” for Walker to air the claim in front of a “packed press gallery”. He told the court: “This is grossly unfair and improper to do it just to ruin the reputation of a senior and able judge in front of the press. Snow told Assange that this was the behaviour of a narcissist. There really is not much hope is there?