How can this criminal government be allowed to con itself back into power? Archived Message
Posted by David Macilwain on November 15, 2019, 11:43 pm, in reply to "Re: Growing awareness of a situation most foul"
While this corruption and criminality is only inches from being exposed! What good is it to hear admissions from a Tory government following its reelection that there may have been some procedural errors in JA's case, or that some of the White Helmets have been shown to be child butcherers, or that there is evidence the Ukies shot down MH17, or that Israel really was supporting IS in Syria? Or that the Salisbury "poisoning" was an inside job? Why are the people who know these things not in daily combat with presenters on the BBC and MPs to push for the crimes to be exposed, even at the 11th hour?