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    Corbyn takes share of responsibility for Labour's defeat Archived Message

    Posted by John Monro on December 14, 2019, 9:42 pm

    I am unable to access the original article in the Observer (isn't it available online?) but Corbyn writes honestly and transparently and refuses, rightly, to apologise for his manifesto, for no mistake, it is his and John McDonnell's and would never have been put to the public by most of the parliamentary Labour Party.

    Instead we read this Peter Kyle, who held on to Hove and Portslade, said Corbyn and his allies could not depart the stage soon enough.

    “They’ve been waging an ideological and personal war for decades and must now leave others to build a movement fit for the future, rooted in the future, and capable of carrying Labour to power in order to shape the future,” Kyle writes in the Observer. “Voters also said we needed to look more competent, questioning how a party that can’t manage antisemitism out of its own party could possibly run the Home Office.”

    And Peter Kyle calls himself a socialist? Or does he? Does anyone now in Labour admit to socialism as an ordered and humane way to run a society? And for him to use the word "war" against a man who's only ever used weapons were words, reason and humanity, when Kyle's now MP colleagues supported the real thing in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya is to truly insult the English language and charity. Kyle has some redeeming features having worked in troubled areas and is something of a progressive, but for an MP of just four years standing to suggest Labour's suffered under decades of Corbyn's warring is breathtakingly arrogant and totally unreasonable. Not much humility there.

    And I wonder if Peter Kyle has any idea whatsoever what his or his constituents' future might turn out to be? It wouldn't appear so.

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