Another Adonis tweet Archived Message
Posted by johnlilburne on December 31, 2019, 12:07 am, in reply to "LAUGHABILITY OF TERM 'MODERATES' PUT IN A NUTSHELL BY ADONIS 'ERADICATE' TWEET"
Andrew Adonis I stand by my criticism of Corbyn & Corbynism. In the last 5 years of controlled experiment they failed totally, inflicting Brexit & untold harm on the poorest, and gifting 2 Tory governments Corbynism, not just Corbyn, must be replaced by sensible democratic socialism and a retweet of Starmer visiting Leigh today: Corbyn and Corbynism responsible for Brexit, eh. It was people like Starmer and Adonis that pushed remainiac/PV/negotiate soft Brexit but campaign for remain or stay neutral line on party to which Corbyn caved against his better judgement. Leavers rightly saw this as a fudge/betrayal of promise to honour referendum result. Hence switch to Tories with their simple 'get brexit done' bullshit. If Labour right, tinges, LibDems, 'moderate' Tories had got behind a caretaker Corbyn government a soft Brexit could have been negotiated and then put to a vote. Only after that should an election been called. But no, the ####ers would rather stop Corbyn than stop brexit. It was fatal to have an election before Brexit was sorted, making it a Brexit election, diverting attention from Labour's good socialist policies. People didn't trust Johnson. But they didn't trust Corbyn either, partly because of years of media demonisation, but also because of brexit fudge/betrayal and failure to call out antisemitism bollocks. And 'friends of hamas' trope plays into anti-Muslim feeling. But rather than accusing Corbyn and 'Corbynism' of inflicting a hard Brexit on the country, Adonis and his ilk should look closer to home. And Lord Adonis can stop his bleating on about the harm inflicted on the poorest as if he gives a ####. The rot started years ago.