BBC weather reporter mentions climate change!Archived Message
Posted by Ian M on January 7, 2020, 11:31 am
Was watching the news yesterday and they were discussing the Oz wildfires, and the presenter actually +prompted+ the weather guy to explain the context of a warming climate exacerbating the situation, which he was then allowed to do at length. I think it was Tomasz Schafernaker - Will post a video if I can find it (think it was just during the 1 o'clock news). Difficult to imagine it happening even a year ago. Got to be down to the influence of XR/Greta.
Of course, it's too little too late and they should have been screaming from the rooftops 40 years ago. And we need more than msm (finally) acknowledging the truth and reporting responsibly, but it's a (baby) step in the right direction.