Re: Another reading on the downing of a civilian airliner in Teheran Archived Message
Posted by John Monro on January 15, 2020, 7:33 am, in reply to "Another reading on the downing of a civilian airliner in Teheran"
... or perhaps it was just a mistake by missile operators who had been on the alert for days, who feared for their lives from a US retaliation and were just dog tired and sick of the whole thing. But of course, why think of a simple explanation when a convoluted and nigh impossible one can be advanced instead? This is what happens when violence occurs. The US started it, they didn't anticipate that the end result would be the loss of life of nearly 200 civilians, many from their neighbouring country, but they should have, violence begets violence and aggression begets aggression and both are associated with high emotion, acute fear, flight or fight reflexes and unintended consequences. So surprise, surprise, more innocents suffer. This time on "our side" whereas mostly in the past it's been on "their" side and so not worthy of consideration, collateral damage, it's called. It's all so sad, so unnecessary, so criminally negligent of a country that should know better, but never does.