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    Re: One World Digital Dictatorship Archived Message

    Posted by Tomski on January 21, 2020, 3:46 pm, in reply to "Re: One World Digital Dictatorship"


    When I briefly read the article, like you, I was horrified this dystopia could be coming our way. But then I came across certain talking points. I mentioned organ harvesting, Falun Gong and the Uighar detention camps. These were mentioned specifically in a typical negative light that one comes across in propaganda pieces about China. That started bells ringing.

    Checking out the Chinese credit system on line, came across this Wired article:

    The complicated truth about China's social credit system

    Quote: … As yet, there's no one social credit system. Instead, local governments have their own social record systems that work differently, while unofficial private versions are operated at companies such Ant Financial's Zhima Credit, better known as Sesame Credit. Ant Financial is the payment firm spun out of Alibaba. The systems use shopping habits among other data to inform credit-style scores, on an opt-in basis. "There is no single, nationally coordinated system,"

    Elsewhere, I noted the Chinese government is looking in to all these ‘private’ schemes to see how these can be implemented within their own databases/systems. Within some parts of this eventual system there is a similarity with the Experian system here in the UK when one looks into the credit rating. I’ve had a brush with this system in the early 90s when my credit was completely cut-off by the banks by ‘mistake’. I couldn’t do anything, I had no money and there wasn’t anyone I could appeal to. Hence I can understand how the Chinese ‘dissident’ felt:

    Quote: "There was no file, no police warrant, no official advance notification. They just cut me off from the things I was once entitled to," he told The Globe and Mail. "What's really scary is there's nothing you can do about it. You can report to no one. You are stuck in the middle of nowhere."

    For info The Globe and Mail is a Canadian rag fwiw. The main point being, without ferreting out the real truth of what has happened and who said what to whom, is that he was clearly caught out in the Kafkaesque bureaucratic nightmare. Like me … ish.

    Now from the ‘World digital dictatorship’ article:
    The organ harvesting industry is not only targeting executed prisoners, but is also aimed at “prisoners of conscience,” such as Falun Gong, Uyghurs, Tibetans, and House Christians, and has been “practiced for a substantial period of time involving a very substantial number of victims [14]

    That is from:

    Who are they:

    By contrast one can consider the Greyzone piece (also more on China Tribunal there):

    Greyzone has also written a piece on Uyghur camps:

    One can either think the author is misinformed and takes the black-propaganda, as put out by the usual suspects and spread by the MSM, at face value, or he is spreading the prop himself. If the author is well informed enough to put out a relatively powerful article like this, one would have thought he would not be fooled by the MSM himself. Perhaps. I don’t have the time to check out all the references and analyse them to find out if the author is misinformed or the ‘black hat’.

    Needless to say, there is a lot of truth about ‘our’ surveillance system in this piece and the horrors regarding the possibility how our personal data can be used to govern us.

    I also checked out the web-site to see if there are any indication of ‘black hat’ activity and found this article by Dr. Gideon Polya about Google pro-zionist censorship. Although he is a bit of an outlier, he is relatively well-known on TLN:

    No conclusion re web-site and this article, except at best that the author is very misinformed and has painted a horror-pic that may be over-egged in places.

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