Re: You betray the utter lack of knowledge you have about AI. What has boardhost got to do with deep Archived Message
Posted by Sinister Burt on January 21, 2020, 7:21 pm, in reply to "You betray the utter lack of knowledge you have about AI. What has boardhost got to do with deep"
I concur sashimi - the spooky way AIs have started to learn things like Go where we can no longer understand exactly what they're doing (though the computers don't have to be very clever to beat me at go). Obviously still a long way from 'strong' ai (or is it so far? maybe we'd just like to think we're inherently difficult to simulate). Complexity theory and the associated ideas fascinate me too - the amazing creativity of self organising systems, and how the principles unite such different contexts. Any book recommendations you can give me on the topic? Books i've liked include Stuart Kaufmans; James Gleick, Fritjof Capra's done good stuff on this too; also enjoyed a Melanie Mitchell book (Complexity a Guided Tour). I realise i've probably done a similar post to this before (maybe many times) - in fact i'm sure i got capra's 'Systems View of Life' after reading about it in a post here (possibly from you). (Bad memory bad bad thingamebob)