Anti-Russian Browder's book "Red Notice" is widely displayed at bookstores and has got traction. Now Browder has managed to get USA, UK and other states to adopt the Magnitsky Act - whereby USA gets transnational jurisdiction to set aside due process and freeze the financial assets of designated enemies. Browder has pushed the EU to also adopt this Magnitsky Act and it's on the cusp of doing so. Some Danish and German journalists have uncovered the inconsistencies in Browder's narrative, though. In a public Skype call to the Daily Maverick conference last week, Browder punted over-egged anti-Putin points and named 'Dominic Raab' as an ally.
The first factual inaccuracy in Browder's narrative is that he always refers to Magnitsky as his 'lawyer'... whereas the man was an accountant - and a witness to Browder's tax fraud. (This angle might throw a different light on motives for his "Epstein" end, at unknown hands). Read Lucy Komisar's writings on the subject:
[1] Der Spiegel and take-down of a fraudster / Komisar Scoop