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    More on Browder Archived Message

    Posted by margo on March 10, 2020, 9:56 am, in reply to "Lucy Komisar: Bill Browder - takedown of a fraudster"

    from website @ J’Accuse News, as it appears in below-the-line comments section at Off-Guardian:
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    "In the 1990s, along with the arrival of legitimate operators, predatory capitalists invaded the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR 1922 – 1991) on missions pecuniary, political, and/or a mixture of both.
    [These were] “carpet-baggers from the West” - in the words of David Cornwell (best known as novelist John le Carré).

    Among them one William Felix Browder, New Jersey, USA-born (23.04.1964) – a con-man who’d worked for the crooked UK+ ‘press baron’ Robert Maxwell until the 1991 death of the “Bouncing Czech” off his super-yacht, Lady Ghislaine.

    (Maxwell purchased the Lady Ghislaine from the Emad Khashoggi family. Emad’s uncle, Saudi arms-dealer Adnan Khashoggi, earned notoriety globally via his association with BCCI – the corrupt Bank of Credit and Commerce International known colloquially as the “Bank of Crooks and Criminals Intl.” Adnan made news in Canada in the 1980s when he endeavoured to cheat creditors by moving assets through Vancouver Stock Exhange-listed+ shell companies.)

    In the wake of this curious death-at-sea in 1991, ex-Maxwell employee Bill Browder came under the “like gold” wings of a dubious mentor, the Lebanese-Brazilian banker Edmond J. Safra (mis-spelled as Edmund Saffra in the “black book” of convicted, notorious, sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein).

    Safra’s Republic National Bank of New York‘s associated with a number of dodgy Canadian stock deals of the 1980s and ’90s ... [...]

    As detailed in subsequent pages on “J’Accuse News” site, for Browder it’s “like winning the lottery” when Edmond Safra (who died, under bizarre circumstances, from smoke-asphyxiation) and French-Israeli “diamond tycoon” Beny Steinmetz, (mired more recently in a massive bribery and money-laundering controversy in Guinea), bank-rolled an operation in Moscow, Hermitage Capital, with him up-front as CEO.

    Hermitage launched in 1996... Encamped in Moscow, in a particularly callous as well as lucrative scheme, the Hermitage group (Bill Browder as Director; Sergei Magnitsky as Chief Accountant) ’employed’ disabled people – eg. a victim of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster cleanup, an Afghan war veteran, and one challenged with a genetic disease and mental retardation – claiming them to be expert financial analysts. {They were] essentially props in a multi-million-dollar tax-fraud.

    The court found that Browder, Magnitsky and team were “wittingly aware that no work will be performed by the disabled people” and carried out their scheme “without creating jobsites for them”. Browder was responsible for filing these sham companies’ tax returns – which he duly signed.

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