Re: They might get it off their servants/pilots/body guards/surfaces. Archived Message
Posted by Mary on March 12, 2020, 8:50 am, in reply to "They might get it off their servants/pilots/body guards/surfaces."
Quite. The 'West' is a sick society in both senses of the word. They used to have nuclear bunkers. Perhaps those have been remodelled with the help of one of those now numerous interior designers. The state broadcaster is going large on the topic and has 'Fergus Walsh'* on to answer viewers' questions. He was in a panel of seven 'experts' which has been assembled on the red sofa. Meanwhile real doctors are working at the coalface dealing with their patients and illness. * reveals a complete absence of medical qualifications. Eng Lit degree @ Leeds. But it's OK. His wife was a GP and works in the 'pharmaceutical industry'.