In Narnia, since they're pointless on planet Earth (large-scale space travel being a non-starter) - Archived Message
Posted by Rhisiart Gwilym on March 13, 2020, 7:23 am, in reply to "Um, spaceports should be located as close as possible to the equator .."
Go on Shy! Prove me wrong! And whilst you're at it, prove that Musk is anything more than a subsidy-parasite, working public day-dreams to get money to play with unworkable wild goose-chases. You said it yourself: $10,000/pound just to lift the sparse amount of space-trash that's clattering about destructively right now in low orbit. The much less resource-demanding surface air-travel is right now entering into one of its upcoming permanent contractions, because of the Synergising Global Crises asserting themselves - in the form of their current black-swan, Covid-19. In these boundingly-successful times, we should be able to find heaps more hallucinated spare wealth to fund the Musky Startrek Follies, shunt we...? Or even for this more limited proposal to launch toy rockets from Northern Scotland. God protect the Flow! Here endeth my latest foray into the utter mug's game of predicting the future.