Re: Reality is: NO-ONE knows enough in the midst of all the confusion and insufficient data to have a Archived Message
Posted by redadare on April 20, 2020, 8:21 am, in reply to "Reality is: NO-ONE knows enough in the midst of all the confusion and insufficient data to have a "
Thanks Rhis, for a bit of sanity. I've read the comments above and have not seen one counter argument to the real statistics presented in the Off-Gard article. Emergency rooms overun? Sure. Its hardly bloody surprising after 20 years of NHS destruction and one of the most obese populations in Europe. Italian deaths? Yes. But look at the numbers of deaths in relation to the past few years of Swine flu, H1N1, and all the rest. IMHO the key point of the article is made up of these few words. "Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, those iconic figures in the study of human cognitive bias and the handling of risk, have pointed out[3], that there are really two kinds of human thinking: fast and slow. ‘Slow’ is when you work things out. ‘Fast’ is what we use in a crisis. ... Crises such as the coronavirus, it is careful, slow thinking that is needed. Alas, it is ‘fast thinking’ that it gets."