Posted by Ian M on April 22, 2020, 12:36 am, in reply to "Definitely nm"
Good read, but I'll hold out for evidence before I believe his claim that 'there did exist among Labour Party members examples of genuinely shocking and indisputable anti-semitism'. Why didn't he provide any examples of this for his readers to judge for themselves? I seem to remember many of the allegations made previously after people were (presumably) paid to trawl through social media accounts were often a) not from lab party members, b) statements made before they joined, c) anti-zionist rather than anti-semitic or d) from sock-puppet accounts. Not to say that no lab member ever said anything anti-semitic, but in the context of a witch-hunt it's important to look very carefully at the actual evidence before drawing any conclusions - especially if your conclusion goes along with what the Ides of March assassins in the media, right-wing & zionist political circles have been screaming about all this time.