Re: CrimethInc: why would workers call for the reopening of the economy? Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on May 3, 2020, 7:34 am, in reply to "Re: CrimethInc: why would workers call for the reopening of the economy? "
Yes. There is a difference between capitalism and general business. I work on farms a bit. Since both you me and der need to eat to survive, is going to work simply a crutch for the capitalist economy or would everyone prefer to continue eating? Things aren't so black and white. For those doing jobs that prop up capitalist greed for the sake of it, how many of them are working for the same motivation but at a secondary tier (working to get money to buy the veg I am growIng?) it might be a shitty system and there are definitely better ways of doing things, but we still trade in labour and always will while our food supply centers around agriculture (exceptions are hunter gatherer societies, which are not relevant to this particular argument). I could trade my veg for some other labour related product of course), but not till all other restrictions (like rent and other bills) are rescinded. Till then, like nhs workers, we either have to face working or really hard times, not just for ourselves but for everyone else for whom our work supports. In our society, that is everyone in the food supply chain (even down to airport, shipping and wagon drivers), emergency services like nhs, Fire ambulance etc, and small shops. I think there's a tendency to downplay the importance of the majority of the labour force, but that shouldn't really happen. The issue is not that people are working (we all need to, life is not about lying on a chaise lounge eating grapes), but how that plays out both for the individual and for the planet. That is, we could do it better and fairer. I completely agree with the idea of ridding ourselves of the scourge of billionaire corporations in it for their own and shareholder interests. Such corporations are leeches, sucking the blood out of the planet. But telling us we have to suffer and die to starve the leech seems a bit arse about faced (particularly when linked to staying at home to avoids death by covid). I'm half with you (der) but your argument needs to be better unless it just a metaphorical steam valve to release some pressure.