Re: The problem is that people really believe they may die from this virus.. Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on May 4, 2020, 4:04 am, in reply to "The problem is that people really believe they may die from this virus.."
"... even though they are young and perfectly healthy..." The problem isn't that young and perfectly healthy people will die or think they will, but surely that they will carry it: unknowingly asymptomatic to their mothers or fathers or grandparents and that they will die instead. Faced with the lack of any vaccine and its own now well illustrated inadequacy concerning vertical control methods where even the supply of adequate PPE has proved a near insurmountable challenge to this government; a program to actually test and isolate infected individuals will effectively be beyond them. So...the governments policy is to allow this to happen over the longer term so as to have as little fuss as possible over the inevitable deaths.