Risk is vaccine or herd immunity won't work. It's either eradication or everyone gets it. Archived Message
Posted by dan on May 4, 2020, 6:45 am, in reply to "Re: The problem is that people really believe they may die from this virus.."
This is my own speculation. Not read anything to support this theory. I'm sure it's the case for herd immunity. Not certain about vaccine but likely true too. The proposed reason that the virus is lethal in some people is that it is entirely novel. This means that when encountered for the first time 1. it replicates in the body uncontested and 2. the immune response in some people is extreme and this leads to the organ injury and respiratory failure we've seen. We've all had corona virus version 1.0, 1.1 or 1.3 or whatever version we're on now after thousands of years. Herd immunity slows the spread but when the virus in question is a cold virus which changes every year it doesn't protect the vulnerable for more than a year. Even if you don't get C19 - Corona 2.0 this year, once it becomes the circulating corona virus you will eventually get v2.1 or 2.2 or 2.3 or 2.4. At which point you will have to run the trial by ordeal. The hope is once you survive the first infection then subsequent infections will diminish in severity - that's still an assumption. It's always been natural selection in action. Of course it might take a few rounds to really weed out the genetically inferior. It's only ever been test test test, isolate the symptomatic and their contacts. We could have had it done by now.