Re: In the face of this roadblock to social freedom, shouldn't we reconsider policy.. Archived Message
Posted by dan on May 4, 2020, 12:56 pm, in reply to "In the face of this roadblock to social freedom, shouldn't we reconsider policy.."
allowing gentle spread kills a significant part of the older popukation just more slowly. We will see but I think herd immunity with spread as you suggest will take monthsbecause every sunsequent wave will require 2 months of kockdown just to prevent healtg services from melting down. Because we afenot testing we have no idea what proportionof tye population has had it and therefore howmany waves there will be. There is no need for lockdown - you are sticking to the same false dichotomy as your governemnt. New Zealand will be oit of lockdown and with no transmission. I think probably also Australia Eradication is / was possible with massive testing and isolation of cases and contacts as south korea has done. the problem then is you won't be able to admit people on flights from ####wit countries lik USand UK. One of the strong reasons for not closing our borders, which would have been an extremely effective way of stopping spread without lockdown, was the effect on international business.