LBC extreme criticism of governmentArchived Message
Posted by scrabb on May 7, 2020, 10:32 pm
I never ever listen to LBC but today I happened to catch part of the James O'Brien talk-in show. I was surprised -- indeed taken aback -- by his outspoken criticism of how the government is handling the pandemic. He didn't mince his words. He spoke of how they are forever giving out contradictory messages, the "facts" as we are told them don't tally with their press briefings, and there doesn't seem to be any kind of plan to manage this crisis.
None of this was done with what you hear on the BBC -- the "On the other hand" .... "another view is that" .... "of course there are mitigating factors in play" .... there were no caveats or qualifications, O'Brien just came out straight and said there was no plan that he could see, no coherent strategy, and so on. He also spoke of the disconnect between reality as it's reported and the fantasy world we hear on the media.
The listeners phoning in all agreed with him and one said, "Thank god, there's somebody at last telling the truth. I thought I was going insane listening to all this guff. This is a dose of reality" ... and so on.
Is this a chink in Johnson's armour that portions of the media (not the BBC of course) are starting to question the government's competence and question their integrity and truth-telling?