everything to do with the crisis, though, it remains essential to reserve judgement, and keep on surfing through as many sources as possible, to continue working up a feel of what seems to be true. Unsatisfactory, I know. But frankly the only approach that seems credible just now, in the midst of all the confusion, shrill argument, and media irresponsibility.
Anyone else get the feeling that the omni-panic is beginning to wind down, and the perception is spreading in many punters that it's all been a bit overdone, particularly all the strong-arm stuff that's been thrown around so widely?
Here in Britain, despite all the image-polishing, the perception seems to be growing that we're being run by a bunch of nincompoops in the London cabinet, particularly in the way so many people are being left without any form of essential income support. Amongst my nearest best-beloveds I'm literally the only one who continues to receive the income - basic state pension - that I had before, and every penny of it not funding basic essentials for me and the dog now goes to them, weekly. Without that, even after all this time, they'd have virtually nothing coming in at all - literally! HowTF are they supposed to carry on!
Thank the Great Spirit that life here at the boatyard is so amazingly cheap for me and my fellow boat-dwellers, courtesy of an extremely enlightened and amiable manager. God knows how our close kindred ashore would be able to function without our help. Living 'below the official poverty line' clearly has some serious benefits, over and above the ones I've known about for years. And thank the residual socialist spirit still intact amongst my excellent fellow Brits, that carries on giving pensions to my age group, even now. How much longer, though? It's a crucial life-saving destitution-preventer, yet you get the distinct impression that amongst the enemies of egalitarian socialistic justice, it's marked for abolition as soon as they think they can get away with it; just an extension of the attitude which connived at the current cull of the poor ancients stacked up without adequate care in the granny farms.