Re: Nothing stopping it being posted here. You appear to be objecting to my critiquing it. Archived Message
Posted by dan on May 9, 2020, 10:34 pm, in reply to "Re: Nothing stopping it being posted here. You appear to be objecting to my critiquing it."
All I do is slag them off? Try any number of posts from March pointing out the falacious arguments. Find my post about them misrepresenting the proportion of doctors that have died for a start. The error in their calculation was pointed out to them but it still satnds. My point in response to Rippon's post above remains unanswered. Unless it is accepted that corona is something more than flu then it's pretty hard to propose a rational alternative to the bullshit being dished by our feudal lords. It's a pretty fundamental flaw in the whole edifice of their work. If their argument that the disease is vastly overblown is taken at face value then the reasonable response is lets return to business as usual. Which only gets us as far as the next wave - which of course will be blamed on the lockdown not the disease.