You misframe the debate. Archived Message
Posted by dan on May 11, 2020, 6:44 am, in reply to "Crew are clearly dividing into two opposing watches: Port watch: There's a terrible disease, and we"
One side believes that because of the severity of the illness an organised response is required. As with many things you have to recognise there's a problem before you can deal with it adequately. There are humane solutions, obvious from early in the disease none of which are being followed. Nothing about severe measures or repression. The other side thinks it's "fundamentally" not more than flu and that a focus on the evil machinations of the world elite is sufficient strategy. Given that no one is any doubt that the elite are ####s this mischaracterisation pushes the debate back and forth on the (lack of) severity of the illness rather than how we might deal rationally with the problem.