Re: Aw, c'mon Ras -- what about 3 Kings, Green Zone, Hurt Locker, Zero Dar Thirty? Archived Message
Posted by Raskolnikov on May 12, 2020, 12:51 pm, in reply to "Aw, c'mon Ras -- what about 3 Kings, Green Zone, Hurt Locker, Zero Dar Thirty?"
Haha, nice one. /sarcasm tags needed "Three Kings" had a couple of strands that could vaguely be considered dissenting but yikes! the others are perfect examples of National Security Cinema (Matthew Alford of Warwick Uni has written a couple of books on the subject; one named exactly that and the other "Reel Power"; worth a read for more examples). Bigelow is terible. The group think orthodoxy that attended Hurt Locker and particularly ZDT was shameful.