A call to arms, paradoxically from an anaesthetist, milgram, asch and laborit., Archived Message
Posted by Subhi on May 14, 2020, 1:50 pm
I'd never heard of Laborit....or Asch
"PSY-OP COVID-19: Under House Arrest! Dr. Pascal Sacre
The virologists would confine us for a year, if it were up to them [“If it were up to the virologists, it would be simple: everyone in confinement for a year“]!
In my case, it would be those virologists that I would confine for a year, without hesitation. Nothing personal!
Do your children know Stanley Milgram, Solomon Asch and Henri Laborit?
I don’t think so. Do you?
I don’t know. I think these are the people and their experiences that should be taught in schools.
I’ve interviewed mine, 14, 16, 17 and 19… No. They don’t know, or barely know. Milgram, they look familiar.
You can be sure that these people who want to govern us are familiar with these subjects, and they exploit them.
If we don’t take control of our minds, others do it for us.
Let’s go back to that unflattering comparison.
I have tried to understand how billions of people have been so easily caged."