Re: A call to arms, paradoxically from an anaesthetist, milgram, asch and laborit., Archived Message
Posted by brooks on May 14, 2020, 3:09 pm, in reply to "A call to arms, paradoxically from an anaesthetist, milgram, asch and laborit., "
Laborit then conducts a third and decisive experiment. A rat is placed in the compartment with the door closed. It is alone and cannot escape. After a while, Laborit observes that the rat doesn’t even try to move anymore. It remains prostrate, covered with electric shocks. At the end of the experiment, he experiences significant weight loss, prolonged high blood pressure (several weeks) and multiple stomach ulcers. This experiment shows that a living being confronted with stress, if he cannot act on it, flee or fight, freezes, prostrates himself and develops diseases. This experiment also shows that the experimenter, Henri Laborit, unwittingly confirmed the Migram and the Asch experiments, since he was able to calmly subject these innocent animals to such sadistic torture. If there weren't an institutional authority that had normalized, encouraged and even rewarded such barbarism, he wouldn't have been able (to give him the benefit of the doubt) to commit such acts, in the name of "science" or otherwise.