Re: Unquestioning Obedience... re: immunology Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on May 19, 2020, 11:20 am, in reply to "Re: However, BPh products which often really do kill people must be swallowed when the doctor says"
"She's a little scattered...look if this was man-made it's not surprising that it has a high mortality can't have it both ways...either COVID19 is a genuine threat or it isn't! Yes we are undoubtedly being manipulated but that means we must endeavour to educate people in proper relations with their endocrine systems...esp. re: Homeopathy..simply banging on in a rather unconsidered way about social engineering doesn't address the issue...surely too the instigators have a vaccine themselves (in my opinion COVID19 release was a very deliberate act), you can keep you hydro-whatsits..doesn't surprise me Muz your profile concerning; water molecule clustering, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr Edward Bach has always been low (I would have thought that as vibrational medicine is informed by mantra you would have made a special study of the discipline, also re: Kirlian/Chladni), were not aware that certain homeopaths are succussing viruses...I am NOT an expert but I am fully aware that it is essential to comprehend the nature of the (so far), unknowns re: #COVID19 for they speak to some truly vital understandings re: science and physics; "physicians who are not themselves physicists treat physicists who are not themselves physicians" this is the situation that confronts us..… Centre for Implosion Research Muz Murray Muz Murray Why are you making ridiculous assumptions about what you imagine I don't know? Cut the crap Gerald. I have studied everything from Chladni onwards, even to visiting the Cymatics laboratory in Basle with Dr. Hans Jenny. I was the major distributor of their books around Europe for ten years. Gerard Hales Gerard Hales NO my assertion is that you undervalue these things (but as you are in denial you are practising transference -deliberately changing the subject and misinterpreting my assertions), and teach them poorly ..but don't you jump when prodded?....That and your "background radiation evidence of Big Bang".. on the stuff you have sold.. Dangerous (so-called), science Muz! No such thing as a "point origin" teach chronology badly..What of Asherah and Jehovah , Kernunnos and Arianrhod , Nuith and Hadith (read this if you'd like more obfuscation, in other words THE FACTS OF LIFE! My dear departed father never consummated his first marriage because both him and his wife had been bought up by ignorant priests...I'm still single at 54 because my "special circumstances " have always escaped the attention of my physicians (no matter what discipline it is they claim to practice), I've no time for your smears any-more.. flying saucers, anti-matter creation and the dragging down the plug-hole of all life there has been, is or ever will be by LHCs/Hadron Colliders etc. All REAL Muz Let's get our ducks in a row..use proper scientific method..I will not be an unquestioning acolyte for anyone..ever.. #whatcouldpossiblybeworsethanMAD? Words fail...I'm outa here....!"