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    'Jess Phillips is a heroine'--J.K. ROWLING Archived Message

    Posted by Morrissey on December 23, 2020, 12:10 am, in reply to "Would not even book burn her rubbish"

    That high-powered endorsement is on the front cover of the book.

    I've dipped in to the horrific thing and found a few choice plums....

    Page 23:
    I have various tattoos that were once upon a time decorations to celebrate parts of my beautiful body. There's a small Chinese symbol (I know, it was the mid-nineties) on my belly that I had done when I was fifteen. ...I also have what is affectionately called a "tramp stamp" of lotus flowers at the very bottom of my back. ....

    Page 53: The rise of politicians such as Jeremy Corbyn, Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson in the U.K. and Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump in America, speaks to a changing political landscape and the search for personality politics. ...

    Page 70:
    A woman in Jeremy Corbyn's team once sent me a message about her frustrations with the leadership's approach to gender equality.... My problem with the Labour Party's current approach is that I think the leadership looks down on women as a group of patronised poor people who need the big important clever men to come and save them. ...

    Page 72:
    Jeremy Corbyn was flanked by eight women as he walked the hundred yards to give his conference speech. It was designed to send a message: "See, I don't have a woman problem. Please try to forget that time when I gave all the top jobs in my shadow cabinet to men. Look, all my friends are women." Except what I saw was a tick box, a stunt, arm candy. ...

    Page 75:
    In a world where how you appear matters so much, we women have got to wake up to the fact that they need us more than we need them. We must sweat our assets; let's go full-on Tyra Banks and get finger-snapping demanding. ...

    Page 130:
    Difficult women change the world but so rarely reap the rewards. As I watched Hillary Rodham Clinton's concession speech in November, the anger, shock and disbelief I had felt since Trump was announced as the 45th President of the United States slipped away and turned to deep, painful sorrow. I wept breathless sobs and felt the heat of burning tears on my face when she said, "To all the women, especially the young women who put their faith in this campaign and in me, I want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion." I would not have supported Hillary just because she was a woman. I supported her because for decades she has campaigned for the rights of women. Her politics don't necessarily align with mine and I think she has made some mistakes. But, my god, I felt she was my champion. ....

    Page 131:
    Difficult women--or dangerous women, as we get called--have more anti-establishment credentials in one line of their beautiful lived-in faces than Trump has in his whole ugly orange body. Clinton finished her speech by saying , "To all the little girls watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance." Clinton stood for all those little girls. I'm buggered if I'm going to tell anyone that they should try to be the most approachable version of themselves in order to have power. ...

    Page 132:
    In the words of the first female US Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, [1] "There's a special place in Hell for women who don't help each other!" I believe in the sisterhood...

    Page 235:
    In March 2015, I travelled to the UN in New York at the invitation of the National Democratic Institute to speak at the launch of the #NotTheCost Call to Action. The event was hosted by Secretary of State Madeline Albright [2] to raise the issue of violence faced by women in politics. I felt a bit of a fraud sat among mayors, senators, and deputy presidents from Kosovo, Peru, Sri Lanka, Uganda and many more. ....

    ad nauseam...


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