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    Re: MINISTRY OF TRUTH EXPOSED Archived Message

    Posted by sinister burt on January 30, 2023, 9:44 pm, in reply to "MINISTRY OF TRUTH EXPOSED"

    Some interesting bits in the main site, nicely presented, mostly non-partisan (though the seeming focus on covid related opinions in places made me go hmmm a bit), but it all seemed a bit slick and opaque, something about it not ringing true in some way, maybe it was just me (I'm a suspicious sort) - but then I clicked through to the about page -

    the main people I didn't recognise, seemingly innocuous, a bit middle class or whatever (the dog looks nice) - then it gets to the 'board' (why exactly is there a board anyway?) - and they look a bit more iffy, halfway down who's there but mark facking littlewood from the IEA - say no more. They say you shouldn't trust any organisation that would have you as a member, that goes triple for mark littlewood. I guess freedumb's not free so we better make sure it's funded by tufton street and the billionaire astroturf network. Meet the new big brother, same as the old big brother.

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