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    77th Brigade whistleblower interview Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on January 30, 2023, 11:34 pm, in reply to "MINISTRY OF TRUTH EXPOSED"

    Only focuses on covid response. Slightly disappointed in a way: they sound like rank amateurs, doing basic google and twitter searches and recording tweets that said nasty things about the govt. Still scandalous and ... greasy to have the army compiling information like this on the citizenry and ultimately aiding politicians to manipulate the narrative around covid. No doubt it's happening with other issues like Ukraine esp at the moment. But at least they seem to be a bit shit at it for now(!)

    Will read the report which looks interesting, bearing in mind that the principle of surveillance and censorship being wrong is more important than the fact that it's scumbags like Hartley-Brewer and Keir Starmer (genuinely interested to hear how he stepped out of line!) that it's happening to.


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