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    Conservatives have managed to reconstruct/reinvigorate/realign themselves from grass roots upwards.. Archived Message

    Posted by Shyaku on August 15, 2023, 12:52 am, in reply to "A Conservative view on Ukraine"

    As Mitch McConnell, both symbolically and actually, embodies the living death of the old right, conservatives (in the seat of empire that is, I don’t mean UK Tories) have entirely reconstructed, reinvigorated themselves, and realigned themselves with their roots.

    Credit to them, actually. They may have somewhat re-entered the real world (temporarily at least) after the world of illusions entirely reached the end of its viable lifespan under George W. Bush with his horrific failures on the world stage.

    They seem to have rather wisely said “here you go” to the most genocidal of the neocons and gifted them to the Democratic establishment - who eternally aim to prove they are worthy of the imperial crown (i.e. not soft).

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