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    Re: 'these white people are dangerous' Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on September 10, 2023, 6:51 am, in reply to "Re: 'these white people are dangerous' "

    The author, thinker and ulitimate insider... a true Ameircian aristocrat in country that's not supposed to have one... Gore Vidal, shocked me half a century ago, as boy, when he started to talk about the US Empire, while being interviewed on the television in England.

    It took me a long time to come to grips with what he was saying and understand the implications.

    He went further and began to characterize the US political system as deeply flawed. For him the Republicans and Democrats were the two wings of one giant, and seemingly eternal, ruling party, dedicated to capitalism and war, and maintaining massive entrenched, structural, economic and social inequalities.

    For Vidal, the United States had developed into a brutal empire and in this sad process had buried both democracy and the republic, much like ancient Rome asfter the assassination of Julius Caesar.

    Vidal fancied himself as a modern Cicero, a chronicler of this weird and bloody transition.

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