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    Re: Biden’s Gaza “aid” plan a fig leaf for genocide Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on October 20, 2023, 12:15 pm, in reply to "Biden’s Gaza “aid” plan a fig leaf for genocide"

    One notices that western journalists/commentators rarely, if ever, use the term 'rhetoric' in relation to Biden and other American politicians.

    In Biden's case they don't refer to the fact that he's on the election campaign trail, so all of his statements and actions are part of that campaign.

    Everything these Amricans say is taken at face value, all the time.

    Also, the repeated Israeli threats about 'wiping old Gaza off the map and eliminating all the Hamas fighters who threaten Israel, is never presented as a call for genocide aimed at a particular group. Calling for the destruction of an entire group of people, Hamas fighters and their families, is close to being the precise definition of genocide as defined and formulated by the West; however, our journalists refuse to question the Israelis about this subject, just like they don't question the settlers they interview about their ocupation of Palestinian territory, because they know how militant they'd sound, and, of course, it's only the Palestinian ressitance that are labeled militants.

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