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    Re: The wait for the zionist juggernaut Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on October 20, 2023, 12:45 pm, in reply to "The wait for the zionist juggernaut"

    The Big Question is, what will Hezbollah do if/when Israel attacks Gaza, on their mission to, once and for all, destroy the last Palestinians capable, willing and ready to resist Israel militarily.

    It must be tempting for Israel. Crush, destroy, eliminate, Hamas; and finally Israel would seem to have vanquished the Palestinians after a century long struggle. The conflict is over and Israel won, the Palestinians definitively defeated, all of historic Palestine under Israeli control, with the West Bansk subdued.

    However, there's Hezbollah in Lebanon and their Iranian backers, how will they react to the destruction of Gaza? Do they simply sit there and wait for Israel to come for them, at time of Israel's chosing, or do they strike now, preemptively, while Israel is bogged down in Gaza? That's why this situation is so dangerous and risks ignighting a wider regional war. Gaza leads to Hezbollah, that leads to Iran, the really big prize.

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