Re: The payback - The Grayzone live .. now on Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on April 16, 2024, 12:54 am, in reply to "The payback - The Grayzone live .. now on"
Ah! the Jordanians... In one my several life episodes as Forrest Gump I believe I once met the king of Jordan. I was asked to accompany a friend who delivered art for an important delivery...As I wasn't busy at the time it got me out the house. Anywise, this was a portrait that had been commissioned from a Scottish artist on the strength of having won some prestige portrait competition in London. The only problem was they wouldn't tell us where it was to off we set and phoned up for details when we got to a certain area down sawf. On not being able to find the place which was near a very well known racetrack we stopped off at the local pub to ask directions.. " Awww yea..." says one of the regulars: "Thats the King o' Jaawdan's 'awss.. " and promptly gave us good directions. We were brought to a stop half way up the driveway by an electrical barrier...whereupon a security man met us and jumped in the third seat...wearing I noted as his jacket folded, a handgun in a body holster. Interestingly enough he was Scottish...and made a point of asking us the kind of questions no-one who wasn't wouldn't have an answer for. After this, he phoned up, the barrier dropped and we took the portrait up to the Mansion house ...after being thoroughly frisked and noting lots of somewhat incongrously clean guys half heartedly polishing a collection of expensive cars in a large garage...we took the portrait into a building opposite the main house where a very small balding elderly man sat on his own. He asked us to lay the portrait out and then inquired if we thought it a good likeness... We replied that it " seemed fine". After we left my friend said " What the fuck was that all about!? " I replied: " Congratulations: you just met Hussain, king of Jordan... " The portrait we delivered was of Yitzhak Rabin...