"rush job" .. wet oil paint it left on my sleeve when unwrapping it.
Sounds tawdry. One would have thought that people in these 'circles' would have more 'class' and commission someone like .. I don't know .. Andy Warhol or whoever is the contemporary Michelangelo, and pay some serious dosh.
But back to that relationship between Hussain and Rabin (ta for the photo). Kind of explains that relationship between Jordan and Israel and shooting down of drones and missiles by Jordan aimed at Israel (I am assuming Jordanians would have got the same Iranian memo as the US). Jordanian 'street' must be furious.
Fwiw I've been to Jordan many many moons ago. For some reason I mainly remember the Nabatean architecture in the desert valley (basically Roman in style). Amman obviously was not impressive enough for me to recall bits from there.