Re: Soave is there simply as a goon, to disrupt and antagonise. Just like Ilya Shapiro and Saagar Archived Message
Posted by t on May 12, 2024, 2:16 am, in reply to "Soave is there simply as a goon, to disrupt and antagonise. Just like Ilya Shapiro and Saagar"
Again, my apologies, what is the point? An observation: It's all very much US-centric conversation/debate etc. Thus, let's get rid of Ilya Shapiro and Saagar and Glenn .. for clarity. In essence, you suggest that Robbie is there as a goon (?). This suggests (to me) a certain format has been adopted for the show. Quite alien to us across the pond, but nevertheless it seems to resonate across the Pacific. Getting back to the main point, I was just questioning the worthiness of this show .. is all (bearing in mind that Brianha was and is .. brilliant .. she already has platform/s elsewhere)