Re: Soave is there simply as a goon, to disrupt and antagonise. Just like Ilya Shapiro and Saagar Archived Message
Posted by RaskolnikovX on May 12, 2024, 6:35 am, in reply to "Re: Soave is there simply as a goon, to disrupt and antagonise. Just like Ilya Shapiro and Saagar"
He is the fucking worst although it's hilarious watching him trying to pretend he has basic human emotions. Depending on whose segment it is, the comments below the videos are wildly one-sided and mirror imaged. For every "Bri rocks, Robbie sucks" you have the opposite on his segements. Of course it's pointless trying to determine anything from YT comments given how much they get astro-turfed, botted and manipulated, but the worrying thing is that there is a large segment of that audience that thinks Soave is a great commentator. Blows the mind. This left/right co-host thing is definitely an American thing although the Hill is conservative other than BJG. She's light years ahead of that socipath though. They had a real falling out the other day and I saw her on some other platform (possible her own "Bad Faith" talking about him "being a real asshole" after the segment on Twitter so I don't think there's any love lost between them. I really can't stand the prick though.