The Protests in Tblisi show exactly why greater transparency is needed concerning the foreign funding of NGOs and media...wonder about the large crowds? Well apparently Georgia has between 10 & 20000 mostly foreign funded NGO's and of course the US has spent many billions there " funding democracy" etc. I can understand all those squeezing the money from this state of affairs, but have they even has a look at what happened to Ukraine? As one Twitter puts it:
"The people of Georgia are threatening to overthrow their government because their government is passing a law requiring foreign nonprofits to disclose their funding sources.
Of all the color revolutions to ever color revolution, that has to be the thinnest excuse in history. "
And another:
" Actually, it’s the West who is trying to control Georgia by encouraging the protests and denying the Georgian government the ability to ascertain foreign sources of funding for their political process.
The US has the same law, it is called the Foreign Agents Registraction Act. "