Re: I was also surprised to see UK lefties promoting pro -protest tweets... Archived Message
Posted by RaskolnikovX on May 13, 2024, 7:13 pm, in reply to "I was also surprised to see UK lefties promoting pro -protest tweets..."
and yet it never occurs to those brave and fearless warriors of the press to report any of it. Funny that :D They really need to achieve a critical mass of support for things to really start moving and thankfully they seem to be failing to do that at the moment. As long as it's just the spooks and paid NGO shills I don't think much will happen but "they" always end up cranking things up. I wonder when the snipers will appear. I also have a funny feeling they are using this as a bit of a stop-gap while they think up something massive in the main proxy war. That last arms shipment should be getting into service soon so there will be some sort of increase in the narrative pushing and action on the ground.