Posted by Ken Waldron on October 8, 2024, 12:12 am
Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr Sep 5 During her interview on @PiersMorgan Candace Owen @RealCandaceO referred to what she termed "radical Judaism" and characterized the iconic Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, as someone who "preached Jewish supremacism and hatred of all non-Jews." These words are a sickening and manifestly inaccurate description of a revered holy man who was respected and beloved by people of all faiths.
Rabbi Schneerson preached a message of unadulterated love, tolerance, respect, and universal justice for all of humanity. My father considered him a spiritual mentor and sought his advice on diverse issues of morality and ethics. He once visited the Rebbe at 2 o’clock in the morning! As Americans, we need to distance ourselves from the troubling rise in antisemitism. We need unity in our country, not divisiveness. That's what Rabbi Schneerson stood for.
Anywise I looked up Rabbi Schneerson for the facts. In his words:
"Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness. … A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews."
-I do find it somewhat difficult to believe the idea that Jewish souls are holy, but non-Jewish souls " satanic" and that the substance of Divine emanations is there only to "serve the Jews" reflects somehow the claims of "Unadulterated love, tolerance, respect, and universal justice for all of humanity" made on his behalf by Kennedy.
He also said:
" "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" [Genesis 1:1] means that [the heavens and the earth] were created for the sake of the Jews, who are called the "beginning."
- clearly this is a man caught up in base tribal supremacy far beyond mere racism. The fact that he is considered "... one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century" should give pause for thought and make us all reflect on this kind of Judaic supremicism because let's face it, this effectively justifies antisemitism.
-That worm in Kennedy's brain has been paid overtime.
That worm in Kennedy's brain has been paid overtime.
The interesting part, if (say) Trump admin wins, how will they square that circle? Unless I am seriously delusional, I think Israel is a goner. Here is hoping that US of A shan't be very much gung-ho about going to war against Iran on Israel's behalf, which is consequential at the end of the day, to my mind. Not that RFK may have this in his equation maybe. Who knows?
"Unless I am seriously delusional, I think Israel is a goner. "
The question is how and in what way?
Buoyed up with this kind of religious claptrap Israel has "educated" its people to be outright supremacists & racists. As we know, this combined with a colonialist expansionist mindset is a recipe for continuing disaster.
How to confound any Israeli or indeed Zionist in argument is to give them a pencil and ask them to define the Israel they demand others "recognise" : the result is various forms of unrealized ambition. Many of it's soldiers wear patches outlining a hugely expanded "Eretz Israel" that covers a large part of or indeed all of the territory of its neighbours. Thus much as it refuses to define its own borders it concordantly refuses to recognise those around it: "Lebanon is not a real state" and Israel has the "right" to take over southern Lebanon says Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli with doubtless one eye on those Israeli Gaza and Lebanon "Real Estate" fantasy villa adverts already appearing...
How do you undo this Gordian knot? How can Israel live in peace with neighbours it effectively considers as "Untermensch" or the potentially vanquished?
Being a nuclear power may keep it from defeat but it is no help to its expanding territorial ambition: contaminating the neighbours lands you covet makes no sense.
So it is the yearly billions of free armaments from the US to its "Aircaft carrier in the middle east" ie. near the oil that keeps the colonial project alive and Israeli corruption of US politics keep the military Industrial payola rolling.
Then there is the diaspora cash sent by those convinced of a need to pay "Insurance money" for a Jewish "bolt-hole" of dubious worth and in this unholy-holy land we can't forget the eschatological money dispenser provided by those insane supposed "Christians" sending millions to forward their holy land "End of Days" project.
The problem is perhaps that there are too many Israels and indeed none: that it is not just the lack of a physical border but a financial one: not just those but indeed a mental one.
which is to be the goner? If some kind of state must remain if only because of the bomb, what can remain and how?
The country as defined by the UN...?
The Jewish bolt hole?
The unsinkable US aircraft carrier in the gulf?
The Zionist colonial expansion project?
The "Christan" Zionist "promote-to-death" cult?
The billionaires US military industrial looting catalyst Israel?
All of course are intertwined but the big commonality is money. It's not that the plug needs pulled on Israel, the difficulty is that all of them do.
What you say is objective and rational and a nice analysis to boot. If I can put in my ha'penny's worth, and going along with your money angle, one needs to keep an eye on BRICS. Bear with me.
The next step on that escalation ladder for Israel is a range of possibilities which includes sending their missiles to Iran's refineries etc or/and nuclear facilities. If Israel goes for the former (say), Iran just may be restrained by Russia not to react (before Kazan and signing of their treaty with RF). As to closing of Hormuz Straight by Iran, China may not be happy with that. Thus a complicated geopolitical dance with mad dog Israhell and rudderless US vs BRICS. Not to forget that US would not be keen to see $300 per barrel before the election. We wait.
Meant to be titled: Re: Rebbe Menachem Schneerson
Posted by t on October 8, 2024, 9:44 pm, in reply to "B"
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
We call ourselves the beginning.
Therefore the universe was created for us.
I agree with your conclusion on Judaic supermacism even though it means being burned at the stake, but lunatics like this? The world can do without them, especially now.
As has been mentioned quite a few times here, the more the mainstream media-fed people see some of the things they say (like the infamous Abby Martin video for example) and this religious maniac, the less they would be likely to support the lunatic apartheid amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party...So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.