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Rob, right now Susan and I do the same thing. I have asked questions about the NIL process, and have not yet gotten answers that really answered my questions. We already donate at a pretty heavy level, and I am not looking to add to that amount for NIL at this time. I am not saying what I will do in the future, but NIL does not set well with me right now!!! Previous Message
I won't give to NIL. I'll direct my donations to scholarships and to general costs of the programs. Acker and anyone after him will always leave as soon as they have enough success to move up. Athletes can now shuffle around yearly for money, playing time, and any other reasons.
I despise the idea of bidding wars for scholar-athletes. I think its disgusting. I do support compensating all athletes with add'l funds even those on scholarship, but something reasonable and not bidding wars. Compensation only. I might donate to a program like that. I'd also go for revenue sharing with athletes because isn't that the intent of the NIL decision anyway? Even in this scenario, how do we really fund that at LBSU? We can't. Something has to give.
NIL is the straw that broke the camels back for mid majors. We are destined for a lesser division along with about 300 other current DI programs. Get used to the idea. I'll always be a 49er even if we are in a lesser division. Time to move on. Previous Message
I saw somewhere that there maybe some type of restriction coming that NIL money needs to be tied to fair market value of services and not pay to play like now. Hopefully some restrictions are put in place soon. Previous Message
I donated to theLB NIL because I wanted to give LB Sports a chance. I realize that we can’t compete with the P4 schools but I hope we can compete with the rest of the BW. If we don’t do anything Coach Acker will leave. Previous Message
If we don't change and adapt to the new play-for-pay world in college athletics, we will be div 2 or lower in a few years. The P-4 schools and the NCAA have destroyed amateur athletics but if we have no NIL in men's hoops, we will not get quality 3-star players to come to LB. I wouldn't say I like the NIL but I joined it in hopes our men's basketball will be competitive in the BW and stay in Div 1. Previous Message
Bottom line is the NCAA is corrupt and always has been. Just is worse now.
The power conferences will be the d leagues for football and basketball. They will churn out athletes who won't be able to read. Education for athletes at the power conference schools will be a joke. Sad part is the parents of these athletes will add to the problems and agents will get involved. When the athlete hires an agent they are considered pro. We'll see what happens.
Schools like LBSU should not yet get involved in this stuff. We should not bother with NIL as that will just be lost donations for us
LBSU needs to continue to emphasize education and a family atmosphere to attract athletes. We do not need those that are going to use NIL money to hopscotch from one school to another. We need to better what we have and move forward in that way.
As I have said before I do not and will not donate to any NIL collective here. And if they start to emphasize that I will no longer donate to LBSU athletics.
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