His wife called me and told me they had to sedate him today with morphine because he is having struggles with breathing and had a major panic attack. One lung is compressed and he has tumors in both. He told me yesterday that he greatly appreciates me looking after his cat as his wife has their severely disabled daughter that requires 24/7 attention and ready for this? She fell and chipped a bone in her ankle yesterday. He expressed concern for the cat, I just keep reassuring him she's just fine - she really isn't. I found her on his bed again today and she was rolling around near his bedroom but I don't want him to worry. I did give her some moist food as was also suggested. She seemed to love it - only gave her a heaping tablespoon and put rest back in the fridge - she's still schizo with me though - tries to block my path when I walk and once again, I had to use water to gain the upper hand (spray bottle) if I didn't I do believe she'd attack my leg or bite. Just wish there was another way.
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