Bringing up GSH
Posted by purpleribbon mom
on August 9, 2008, 10:35 pm
Any suggestions on how to bring up to our CF clinic doc that we are using GSH? I have heard from other parents that our clinic is not open to GSH. Katie has been on it for 6 months, and I really noticed a difference. Plus, I did alot of research before starting it, as she was just 5 months old when we did start it. I feel really bad lying to them about giving her Albuterol when I'm not, and giving her GSH orally and only (2) Creon5 because that's all she needs(they felt we should increase d/t her increased weight, but I think the GSH has helped the enzymes work better). She's doing great, loves to eat and is in 85th % for weight, so I know that the GSH isn't hurting her. I just don't want to get "beat up" and "guilted" because I'm using an "alternative" medicine that's not FDA approved. Any thoughts would be helpful, or should I just not tell? Sorry this is so long.