Now the black & white cat that hangs out in A's yard and was, for the past amt of time, getting in my yard and living under my house..... has shown up on the porch of my down hill neighbors - with a litter of kittens.
If the kittys get in to my yard when Charlie is out.... I dread the results.
I suggested they call animal control and have them removed.
I mentioned a while ago that another black cat that has been hanging out for months - is the one that has been "fighting" with the cat that is now a mother. W&J both said their cat a brown gold & white - very - old has been chasing the black cat off. Guess it didn't work.
So prayers for the Mother and kittens - I really don't want Charlie killing any more of their cats. When we first moved here CHarlie killed to of the strays that lived under my house that they were feeding. They ever blamed Charlie but I was so upset.
So prayers please for a safe and good answer to this problem.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)