Following Crown Prince Ash into the throne room, Prince Birch and Prince Willow stood side by side as their older brother informed their father about the fate of their kingdom.
"You did well, brother, your aim was true and your arrow was sure," Prince Birch admitted to Prince Willow, "You and your Archers swayed the tide of battle in our favor. You should be proud."
"I am thankful, brother, thankful that we are still alive," Prince Willow confessed, "We faced long odds but we not only endured we also won!"
Irzen strode forth when they were done, dropped to one knee and in the tradition of the Drow held up the severed head of their enemy, Gruumasht, "Sunrider, Eldalie Valuk, Usstan belbau dos l'karliik d'dosst ogglin! Uk dron nau mzild! Verve dro l'valuk!"
Translation: "Sunrider, Elven King, I give you the head of your enemy! He lives no more! Long live the king!"
Prince Willow interjected, "This is how the Drow honor a victorious liege lord after a battle, father. They present to the victor the gift of the fallen head of their enemy."
"Quite barbaric," Prince Birch admitted openly, "And yet, poetic! There is some novelty in this methinks."
"Well done, my sons. And to you as well, Lord Irzen. Many thanks of the fore knowledge you were able to provide. It is good to know that the true mastermind behind this invasion has been destroyed and that my kin are safe from the horrors that could of have happened." Sunrider addressed them from his throne.
Irzen rose to his feet and nodded to the king.
The crown prince stepped forward, "I think I may have just the right spot to put the head as a warning to those who would dare lay claim upon your kingdom, father. Someplace to remind the forces of Venger not to mess with the noble elven people of Northaven once and for all."
The king raised his hand, "Very well, Ash, you may do with as you see fit. As for Lord Irzen, you and your allies will always be welcomed here from this day forward. You have my deepest respect and gratitude and when you have all rested and ready to depart, I would ask to speak with you once more before you take your leave."
"Bel'la dos, Eldalie valuk," Irzen spoke with his hand over his heart, "Usstan orn'la tlu malla ulu telanth xuil dos a jala draeval d'dos daewl."
Translation: "Thank you, Elven king, I would be honored to speak with you at any time of your leisure."
Prince Willow gave his father a rough translation, "He thanks you, father, and will be more than happy to speak with you at your earliest convenience."
King Sunrider walked over to his youngest son and said, "Since you and I did not part on good terms last time, I will give you the chance to tell your thoughts. You may even have the company of your friends if it so pleases you, Willow."
"That won't be necessary," Prince Willow responded evenly, "I have family and friends here enough to share my thoughts freely. I left your kingdom, father, because I could not and would not marry Princess Eilionwy. Whether she is bethroed to me or not, I do not love her! I never have loved her, I never will love her and I will not marry her!"
"On a side note, my son, you and your allies were of great help in getting her to reveal her intentions. It seems that she was groomed to be a tyrant and her immediate family have been detained as co-conspirators." Sunrider said calmly, "The moment you left, word of reached my ears of a someone plotting to over throw me by using our customs against us."
Willow sighed, "In truth, I would rather spend the rest of my life banished from this kingdom and wandering the Realm alone than to spend one day in her company as my wife! I came home, father, to help save our people and to help save our kingdom. And now that the war is won, I see no reason to stay any longer if you still desire me to wed Princess Eilionwy. What say you, father?"
The elven king shook his head, "No, my son. Not after she openly announced her true intent during the battle. Not to mention consorting with a orc of
vile creatures, that is high treason and punishable
by death. Against my better judgement and reasoning to secure a full and complete empire, I will let you choose of your own free will."
Prince Birch raised an eyebrow at the bluntness of his brother's reply while Irzen nodded his head in agreement.
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