As far as Facebook goes I stick by one rule. Don't put anything on it you don't want the whole world to see. As adults how simple is that rule? Nothing gets out there into Cyber Space unless you put it out there.
As far as your company not hiring people for what's on their Facebook account, those people definately didn't follow my rule.
As far as info like your name and address and even social security number being out there. You don't have to worry about that. It already is, and anybody with computer skills of an 5th grader can find it. My wife has a real estate license, and it's amazing the web sites and info that you can access witin seconds just by logging into certain state and county web sites with her real estate license number.
Everytime you post on this message board it leaves your IP address, and just with that info it wouldn't be thast difficult to find out who's name is on the account of the smart phone or home cable or satellite internet your posting from. That's why real paranoid people only post using WiFi at coffe shops and restaurants.